YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010 Call For Paper Is Open!

(English follows Japanese)

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010では現在スピーカーを絶賛募集中です!

世界最大規模のPerlのお祭りに参加しませんか? Perlに関連していればどんなことでもOK! 開発しているPerlプロダクト、泥臭い運用の話、ティップス、最先端技術、運用ノウハウ、様々な分野の情報について日本、そして世界中のハッカー達と話せます!もちろん抱腹絶倒のLightning Talkも募集しています!

5年目の節目の今年はPerlの父 Larry Wall氏, 現在のPerl5の開発を牽引している Jesse Vicent氏、日本の産んだスーパーハッカー 宮川達彦氏をゲストスピーカーに迎える予定です。



( For the non-Japanese would-be speakers, sorry about the relatively short notice -- we for some reason thought that the YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010 blog would be automatically syndicated to the ironman feed :/ )

Call for paper for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010 is now open! Please submit your talk proposals by Aug 31.

We'll be holding the largest YAPC in the world again, and this year it will be in Oct 15 and Oct 16, and we'd like you to present your talk! This year we're not using Act, so we're handling the call for papers in a very low-tech way. Simply submit your talk proposals via this form. Please email yapc at perlassociation.org if you have any corrections to make.

For those of you traveling to Tokyo from abroad, here's a brief list of hotels around the venue:

Please send comments and questions to @yapcasia on Twitter, or yapc at perlassociation.org.

We're eagerly waiting to see at YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010!