(UPDATED) Interested In Offering Perl Courses for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009?

UPDATED: Looks like I may be able to conjure something up, but we need 1 or 2 more people to /give/ the course. If you're interested, please contact lestrrat on irc.perl.org / freenode, or email me my gmail address (lestrrat@). Please let me know no later than 7/10!

If you're planning to come to YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009, and would also like to offer courses like they are doing at YAPC::NA, can you please drop me a line to my gmail account (lestrrat) with the outline and other info about your course (e.g. how long it will last, do you already have slides available so we can translate it, etc)? 

If you want to cover part of your expenses for coming to YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009, this is definitely a good move, so please let me know!

The reason I'm explicitly asking like this is, since Japan is a vastly different market than the rest of the world, we need to think about interpreters and such. I'm trying to figure out how / if the whole thing will pay out so that everybody is happy.

Please let me know!